Course overview

The overall aim of this course is to give an overview of concepts and methods for estimating causal effects of treatments on time-to-event outcomes. Topics covered will include time-dependent treatments and confounding, inverse probability of treatment weighting and marginal structural models, g-formula, censoring-and-weighting approaches and competing risks.

The course will combine lectures and computer sessions. There will be an emphasis on practical implementation, and all analyses and exercises will be performed using R. At the end of the course, participants should be equipped to perform analyses to address questions about causal effects of treatments on their own data.

More details about the course, including and who it is aimed at and the planned schedule, can be found here.

Course tutors

Jon Michael Gran, Professor at the University of Oslo.

Ruth Keogh, Professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.


Registration is now closed as the maximum number of regular participants has been reached.

We hope to repeat the course also at later dates, so if interested, keep an eye out for future announcements.

Note that individuals based in ISCB Education Committee target countries can still apply until Feb 29th.


ISCB member: 50 euros

Non-ISCB member – academia: 70 euros

Non-ISCB member – industry: 150 euros

Individuals based in ISCB Education Committee target countries

Up to 10 free places on this course are available for participants from the following regions: Eastern Europe, Africa, South and South-east Asia, the Middle East, South and Central America and the Caribbean.

If you would like to apply for a free place, please email the course organisers with a CV and a short statement about why you would like to attend the course (maximum 200 words) before 29th February 2024.


For questions about the course or your registration please contact the course organisers by email on j.m.gran “at” or ruth.keogh “at”